
Show's Over - BPM Challenge

Solve the riddle in Step 1, complete the steps following, and continue progressing through the challenge in the #shows-over-bpmchallenge Discord channel for a chance to win a Genesis Mini pack! Your next set of challenge instructions will be distributed on Feb 2 at 11AM PST / 2PM EST / 7PM GMT via the #shows-over-bpmchallenge channel.


Step 1

Identify the collectible the following riddle applies to:

Danced through the night, still thinking about the show
Rushing through the crowd, once the lights go low
Feeling claustrophobic, when out of the blue
You are handed something, which unlocks your next clue

Step 2

Connect your Discord account to your RCRDSHP profile. You MUST connect your Discord account before moving to Step 3.

Step 3

Using clues from the riddle above, move the collectible you think they apply to “in your hand.” If you think you already have the collectible in your hand you must move it OUT of your hand and move it back into your hand.

Step 4

Once you move the correct collectible to your hand, you will have access to a private RCRDSHP Discord channel called #shows-over-bpmchallenge. You must remain in the channel until further instructions are distributed on Feb 2 at 11AM PST / 2PM EST / 7PM GMT.

Need Help?

Not sure how to move cards to your hand? Check out our tutorial!

Fine Print

The Reward
Follow the steps of the Shows’s Over - BPM Challenge for a chance to win a Genesis Mini Pack.
10 users who complete all challenge steps will be selected to win a Genesis Mini Pack.

For full Terms & Conditions click here.

Do not repeat
In order