
Strange Fruits Showcase Challenge

By using the Showcase feature on RCRDSHP, you can earn ‘Slowly Mood’ (remix of ‘Let Me Down Slowly’ and ‘Mood’) and ‘Popstar in the Room’ (remix of ‘Highest In The Room’ and ‘Popstar’). You’ll also get a digital Lighter and a DJ Mixer used for challenges the following week.


Step 1
Step 2

To add a card to your showcase, long-press down on the card and you will see a menu pop up that says “Add to Showcase.”

Step 3

Get rewarded for holding cards in your showcase when the timer runs out:
Showcase ‘Let Me Down Slowly’ & ‘Mood’ = Get ‘Slowly Mood’ Mash Up
Showcase ‘Highest In The Room’ & ‘Popstar’ = Get ‘Popstar in the Room’ Mash Up

Step 4

Hold on to your rewards as they will give you access to more rewards over the coming weeks!

Fine Print

Complete this challenge to earn a reward card.

For this challenge, serials of the reward card will distributed (low to high) based on the lowest serial number of the Release card in your Showcase.
If two Players tie, the serials of the Release cards will be sorted alphabetically.
Eg. Let Me Down Slowly #1 is better than Mood #1, but Mood #1 is better than Let Me Down Slowly #2.

Completing this challenge gets you a step closer to the Grand Prize.

Do not repeat
In order